

Whenever you create a new Workspace Role, a new tiki group is created, named RolePerms-whatever-was-the-name-of-your-role?
This group is where you have to assign permissions that you want your role will have on the workspace's objects.
These are not global tiki permission, these will be converted into objects permissions for every workspace resource.
So if you assign 'teacher' tiki_p_edit, he will be able to edit pages in the workspace, but not anywhere else.
This group doesn't need to be included in any other group.
Use the ROLEPERMS group to assign *global* perms to same roles.

from a previous posting:

At first they look like tiki-wide permission groups, but in reality every
perm in the RolePerms.xxx group gets converted into an *object permission*
for each related resource (object) of any workspace type which has that role
in its workspace_type_roles.
(mmmh... maybe one can explain this better...)
These are not group perms, but a template for assigning object perms to
workspace resources.

Contributors to this page: pingus147 points  .
Page last modified on Sunday 01 of March, 2009 02:30:08 CET by pingus147 points .




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