

ePortfolio introduction

Read this as an introduction: http://www.imsglobal.org/ep/ (brochure in English, Spanish, French and Norwegian)

But in short, some people consider it as a folder where the evidences of learning are gathered together by each student, enabling the teacher to grade students progress in the course.

Requirements list

  • Three levels of permissions:
    1. A section for whole class contributions (kind of folder with perms for the whole class)
    2. Another for group work (several groups per class)
    3. Another for each individual (several people in a group)
  • The owner/s of a portfolio can create different views of the resources stored in the portfolio, and assign permissions to that views.
  • Definition of different relationships between the resources of the porfolio (many-to-many relations). The different kinds of relations are created by a administrator. The visitors of a portfolio can navigate using the relations between the resources.

Needed features

  • Blog, for gathering individual's thinkings on what he/she learned on a session, etc.
  • Wiki, for writing collaboratively among students for group or class folder.
  • Forum
  • Graphs (JGraphPad or similar, plus some Mind Mapping software for conceptual maps)
  • Autoavaluating/Peer review
  • Exercises (Quizzes, with improvements)
  • Categories, to enable categorizing content by habilities, types of work
  • "External evidences" (structure of wiki pages?)

Needed improvements to existing Tiki features (1.9.2)

In the short run

  • "Short answers" type of questions to Quizzes
  • Peer review of texts (get/adapt Moodle module, if any?, rewrite? Homework feature?)
  • Integration with AulaWiki ;-)

In the long run

  • Integration with Tiki Action Logs


  • Carpetiki project: funded by University of Barcelona, to help coding an e-portfolio in the auspices of the project to improve teaching and grading of students work.

Contributors to this page: xavidp262 points  , anonymous , xavi1726 points  and jreyes1552 points  .
Page last modified on Monday 25 of August, 2008 12:53:20 CET by xavidp262 points .




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