ePortfolio introduction
Read this as an introduction: http://www.imsglobal.org/ep/ (brochure in English, Spanish, French and Norwegian)But in short, some people consider it as a folder where the evidences of learning are gathered together by each student, enabling the teacher to grade students progress in the course.
Requirements list
- Three levels of permissions:
- A section for whole class contributions (kind of folder with perms for the whole class)
- Another for group work (several groups per class)
- Another for each individual (several people in a group)
- The owner/s of a portfolio can create different views of the resources stored in the portfolio, and assign permissions to that views.
- Definition of different relationships between the resources of the porfolio (many-to-many relations). The different kinds of relations are created by a administrator. The visitors of a portfolio can navigate using the relations between the resources.
Needed features
- Blog, for gathering individual's thinkings on what he/she learned on a session, etc.
- Wiki, for writing collaboratively among students for group or class folder.
- Forum
- Graphs (JGraphPad or similar, plus some Mind Mapping software for conceptual maps)
- Autoavaluating/Peer review
- Exercises (Quizzes, with improvements)
- Categories, to enable categorizing content by habilities, types of work
- "External evidences" (structure of wiki pages?)
Needed improvements to existing Tiki features (1.9.2)
In the short run
- "Short answers" type of questions to Quizzes
- Peer review of texts (get/adapt Moodle module, if any?, rewrite? Homework feature?)
- Integration with AulaWiki ;-)
In the long run
- Integration with Tiki Action Logs
- Carpetiki project: funded by University of Barcelona, to help coding an e-portfolio in the auspices of the project to improve teaching and grading of students work.
Contributors to this page: xavidp
Page last modified on Monday 25 of August, 2008 12:53:20 CET by xavidp .
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