Wiki Syntax |
Bold text __text__ |
Italic text 2 single quotes ('). ''text'' |
Underlined text ===text=== |
Colored text ~~#FFEE33:text~~ or ~~yellow:text~~. Will display using the indicated HTML color or color name. Color name can contain two colors separated by a comma. In this case, the first color would be the foreground and the second one the background. |
Deleted text 2 dashes "-". --text-- |
  Headings !heading1, !!heading2, !!!heading3 |
Show/Hide !+, !!- show/hide heading section. + (shown) or - (hidden) by default. |
Autonumbered Headings !#, !!#, !+#, !-# ... |
Table of contents {toc}, {maketoc} prints out a table of contents for the current page based on structures (toc) or ! headings (maketoc) |
Horizontal rule ---- |
Text box ^Box content^ |
Centered text ::text:: |
Dynamic variables %Name% Inserts an editable variable |
External links use square brackets for an external link: [URL], [URL|link_description],[URL|link_description|relation] or [URL|description|relation|nocache] (that last prevents the local Wiki from caching the linked page; relation can be used to insert rel attribute for the link - useful e.g. for shadowbox).
For an external Wiki, use ExternalWikiName:PageName or ((External Wiki Name: Page Name)) |
Square Brackets Use [[foo] to show [foo]. |
Wiki References JoinCapitalizedWords or use ((page)) or ((page|description)) for wiki references
, ))SomeName(( prevents referencing |
Lists * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists, ;Word:definition for definiton lists |
Indentation +, ++ Creates an indentation for each plus (useful in list to continue at the same level) |
Tables ||row1-col1|row1-col2|row1-col3 row2-col1|row2-col2|row2-col3|| |
Title bar -=Title=- |
Monospace font -+Code sample+- |
Line break %%% (very useful especially in tables) |
Drawings {draw name=foo} creates the editable drawing foo |
Multi-page pages Use to separate pages |
Non parsed sections ~np~ data ~/np~ Prevents wiki parsing of the enclosed data. |
Preformated sections ~pp~ data ~/pp~ Displays preformated text/code; no Wiki processing is done inside these sections (as with np), and the spacing is fixed (no word wrapping is done). ~pre~ data ~/pre~ also displayes preformatted text with fixed spacing, but wiki processing still occurs on the text. |
Comments ~tc~ Tiki Comment ~/tc~ makes a Tiki comment. It will be completely removed from the display, but saved in the file for future reference. ~hc~ HTML Comment ~/hc~ makes an HTML comment. It will be inserted as a comment in the output HTML; these are not normally displayed in browsers, but can be seen using "View Source" or similar. |
Block Preformatting Indent text with any number of spaces to turn it into a monospaced block that still follows other Wiki formatting instructions. It will be indended with the same number of spaces that you used. Note that this mode does not preserve exact spacing and line breaks; use ~pp~...~/pp~ for that. |
Direction {r2l}, {l2r}, {rm}, {lm}Insert resp. right-to-left and left-to-right text direction DIV (up to end of text) and markers for langages as arabic or hebrew. |
Special characters
~hs~ hard space,
~c~ ©,
~amp~ &,
~lt~ <,
~gt~ >,
~ldq~ “,
~rdq~ ”,
~lsq~ ‘,
~rsq~ ’,
~--~ —,
~bs~ \,
numeric between ~ for html numeric characters entity |
Because the Wiki paragraph formatting feature is off, each line will be presented as you write it. This means that if you want paragraphs to be wrapped properly, a paragraph should be all together on one line.
Note that plugin arguments can be enclosed with double quotes ("); this allows them to contain , or = or >.
Description |
Displays an attachment or a list of them
[ name="Gives the name of the attached file to link to" ]
[ file="Same as name" ]
[ page="Gives the name of another page the attached file is on. The file on that page is linked to instead. Only works with wiki pages" ]
[ showdesc="Shows the description as the link text instead of the file name" ]
[ bullets="Makes the list of attachments a bulleted list" ]
[ image="Says that this file is an image, and should be displayed inline using the img tag" ]
[ inline="Puts the stuff between {ATTACH} tags as the link text instead of the file name or description" ]
[ all="Shows all attachments from the whole wiki" ]
[ num="Gives the number, in the list of attachments, of the attachment to link to" ]
[ id="Gives the actual id of the attachment to link in. You probably should never use this" ]
[ dls="Puts the number of downloads in the alt comment" ]
[ icon="Shows a file icon" ]
Insert theme styled box on wiki page
[ title="Displayed above the content" ]
[ bg="As defined by CSS, name or Hex code." ]
[ width="In pixels or percentage. Default value is 100%." ]
[ align="left|right|center" ]
[ float="left|right, for box with width lesser than 100%, make text wrap around the box." ]
[ class="Apply custom CSS class to the box." ]
Insert list of items for the current/given category into wiki page
[ id="List of category IDs separated by + signs. ex: 1+2+3. Default will use category of the current page." ]
[ types="List of object types to include in the list separated by plus signs. ex: article+blog+faq+fgal+forum+igal+newsletter+event+poll+quiz+survey+tracker+wiki+img" ]
[ sort="fieldName_asc|fieldName_desc, valid fields: type, created, name, hits, shuffle" ]
[ split="y|n" ]
[ and="y|n" ]
Category Orphans
Display Tiki objects that have not been categorized
[ objects="wiki|article|blog|faq|fgal|forum|igal|newsletter|poll|quizz|survey|tracker" ]
Category Path
Insert the full category path for each category that this wiki page belongs to
[ divider="String used to separate the categories in the path. Default character is >." ]
[ top="yes|no, default to no" ]
Centers the plugin content in the wiki page
Displays a chart from TikiSheet. This plugin can be generated by the TikiSheet chart tool.
id="Data sheet ID"
width="Width in pixels."
height="Height in pixels."
[ value="Required for pie charts" ]
[ x="Required for types other than pie chart" ]
[ y0="Required for types other than pie chart" ]
[ y1="" ]
[ y2="" ]
[ y3="" ]
[ y4="" ]
[ color="List of colors to use." ]
[ style="List of styles to use." ]
[ label="Labels for the series or values in the legend." ]
Chart caption.
Displays a snippet of code
[ caption="Code snippet label." ]
[ wrap="0|1, Enable word wrapping on the code to avoid breaking the layout." ]
[ colors="Syntax highlighting to use. May not be used with line numbers. Available: php, html, sql, javascript, css, java, c, doxygen, delphi, ..." ]
[ ln="0|1, may not be used with colors." ]
[ wiki="0|1, parse wiki syntax within the code snippet." ]
[ rtl="0|1, switch the text display from left to right to right to left" ]
[ ishtml="0|1, display the content as is instead of escaping HTML special chars" ]
Definition List
Creates a definition list
One entry per line. Each line is in "Term: Definition" format.
Displays drawings in the wiki page
name="Name of the drawing to display."
Includes the list of events from a calendar in the page.
[ maxdays="Numeric" ]
[ max="Numeric" ]
[ datetime="0|1" ]
[ desc="0|1" ]
Displays a label. On click, the block of content will fade in and fade out.
label="Label to display on first display"
Wiki syntax containing the text to display.
Fancy List
Creates a fancy looking list
[ div="Use div instead of ol" ]
[ class="CSS class of the fancylist" ]
One item per line starting with anything followed by ")".
Fancy Table
Displays the data using the Tikiwiki odd/even table style
[ head="Heading row of the table, same format as the body section." ]
[ headclass="CSS Class to apply on the heading row." ]
One row per line, cells separated by ~|~.
Displays a link to an attachment to a wiki page and can display an image attachment.
name="Gives the name of the attached file to link to"
[ desc="Comment" ]
[ page="Gives the name of another page the attached file is on. The file on that page is linked to instead. Only works with wiki pages" ]
[ showdesc="Shows the description as the link text instead of the file name" ]
[ image="Says that this file is an image, and should be displayed inline using the img tag" ]
Displays a list of files from the File Gallery
[ galleryId="Gallery ID" ]
[ categId="Category ID:Category ID" ]
[ sort="name_asc" ]
[ showaction="y|n" ]
[ showfind="y|n" ]
[ showid="y|n" ]
[ showicon="y|n" ]
[ showname="y|n" ]
[ showfilename="y|n" ]
[ showsize="y|n" ]
[ showdescription="y|n" ]
[ showcreated="y|n" ]
[ showhits="y|n" ]
[ showlockedby="y|n" ]
[ showlmodified="y|n" ]
[ showauthor="y|n" ]
[ showcreator="y|n" ]
[ showgallery="y|n" ]
[ showfiles="y|n" ]
[ slideshow="y|n" ]
Flash video
Displays a SWF on the wiki page
movie="Complete URL to the movie to include."
[ width="Default width: 425" ]
[ height="Default height: 350" ]
[ quality="Flash video quality. Default value: high" ]
Display wiki text if user is in one of listed groups
[ groups="Pipe separated list of groups allowed to view the block. ex: Admins|Developers" ]
[ notgroups="Pipe separated list of groups denied from viewing the block. ex: Anonymous|Managers" ]
Wiki text to display if conditions are met. The body may contain {ELSE}. Text after the marker will be displayed to users not matching the condition.
Displays an image.
[ src="Full URL to the image to display." ]
[ alt="Alternate text to display if impossible to load the image." ]
[ height="Height of the image to display." ]
[ width="Width of the image to display." ]
[ link="Alias: lnk. Location the image should point to." ]
[ rel=""rel" attribute to add to the link." ]
[ title="Description." ]
[ align="Image alignment in the page. (left, right, center) Uses HTML IMG tag." ]
[ imalign="Image alignment in the flow of the document. (left, right, none) Uses CSS float property." ]
[ desc="Image description to display on the page." ]
[ usemap="Name of the image map to use for the image." ]
[ class="Style to apply to the image." ]
Include a page's content.
page="Wiki page name to include."
[ start="When only a portion of the page should be included, specify the marker from which inclusion should start." ]
[ stop="When only a portion of the page should be included, specify the marker at which inclusion should end." ]
Displays the text only if the language matchs
[ lang="List of languages for which the block is displayed. Languages use the two letter language codes (ex: en, fr, es, ...). Multiple languages can be specified by separating codes by + signs." ]
[ notlang="List of languages for which the block is not displayed. Languages use the two letter language codes (ex: en, fr, es, ...). Multiple languages can be specified by separating codes by + signs." ]
Simple mp3 or flv Player
[ mp3="Complete URL to the mp3 to include." ]
[ flv="Complete URL to the flv to include." ]
[ style="One of:mini|normal|maxi|multi" ]
Mini Quiz
Displays a miniquiz
trackerId="Tracker ID"
Insert Module
Displays a module inlined in page. More parameters can be added, not supported by UI.
module="Module name as known in Tikiwiki."
[ float="left|right|none" ]
[ decoration="y|n" ]
[ flip="y|n" ]
[ max="y|n" ]
[ np="0|1" ]
[ notitle="y|n" ]
Mouse Over
Create a mouseover feature on some text
label="Text displayed on the page. The body is the mouseover content"
[ url="Destination link when moused-over text is clicked. Use http:// for external links" ]
[ text="DEPRECATED Text displayed on the mouseover. The body contains the text of the page." ]
[ width="Mouse over box width. Default: 400px" ]
[ height="Mouse over box height. Default: 200px" ]
[ offsetx="Shifts the overlay to the right by the specified amount of pixels in relation to the cursor. Default: 5px" ]
[ offsety="Shifts the overlay to the bottom by the specified amount of pixels in relation to the cursor. Default: 0px" ]
[ parse="y|n, parse the body of the plugin as wiki content. (Default to y)" ]
[ bgcolor="Default: #F5F5F5" ]
[ textcolor="#FFFFFF" ]
[ sticky="y|n, when enabled, popup stays visible until an other one is displayed or it is clicked." ]
[ padding="Default: 5px" ]
Mouseover text if param label exists. Page text if text param exists
Quote text by surrounding the text with a box, like the [QUOTE] BBCode
[ replyto="Name of the quoted person." ]
Quoted text
Remarks Box
Displays a comment, tip, note or warning box
title="Label displayed above the remark."
[ highlight="y|n" ]
[ icon="Icon ID." ]
remarks text
RSS Feed
Inserts an RSS feed output.
id="List of feed IDs separated by colons. ex: feedId:feedId2"
[ max="Amount of results displayed." ]
[ date="0|1" ]
[ desc="0|1|max length" ]
[ author="0|1" ]
Displays the content of a spreadsheet in the page.
id="Internal ID of the TikiSheet."
Sheet Heading
Sorts the plugin content in the wiki page
[ sort="asc|desc|shuffle" ]
Data to sort, one entry per line.
Split a page into rows and columns
[ joincols="y|n Generate the colspan attribute if columns are missing" ]
[ fixedsize="y|n Generate the width attribute on the columns" ]
[ colsize="?" ]
[ first="col|line" ]
[ edit="y|n Display edit icon for each section" ]
[ customclass="add a class to customize the design" ]
Displays text in subscript.
Displays text in superscript (exponent).
Displays the thumbnail for an image
[ file="File ID from the file gallery." ]
[ id="Image ID from the image gallery." ]
[ image="URL to the image." ]
[ max="Maximum width or height for the image." ]
[ float="left|right|none" ]
[ url="Link target of the image." ]
[ original="y|n" ]
[ sticky="y|n" ]
Top Friends
List top scoring users.
[ limit="Maximum result count." ]
[ public="y|n" ]
Displays an input form for tracker submit
trackerId="Tracker ID"
fields="Colon-separated list of field IDs to be displayed. Example: 2:4:5"
[ action="Label on the submit button" ]
[ showtitle="y|n" ]
[ showdesc="y|n" ]
[ showmandatory="y|n" ]
[ embedded="y|n" ]
[ url="Url used for the field links" ]
[ values="Colon-separated list of values. Note that plugin arguments can be enclosed with double quotes "; this allows them to contain , or :" ]
[ sort="y|n" ]
[ preview="preview" ]
[ view="user|page" ]
[ itemId="itemId if you want to edit an item" ]
[ tpl="Name of the template used to display the tracker items." ]
[ wiki="Name of the wiki page containing the template to display the tracker items." ]
[ newstatus="o|p|c Default status applied to newly created items." ]
[ colwidth="## or ##% Specify the width in pixels or percentage of the first column in the tracker form." ]
Confirmation message after posting form
Tracker Filter
Filters the items of a tracker, fields are indicated with numeric ids.
trackerId="Tracker ID"
[ fields="Colon-separated list of field IDs to be displayed. Example: 2:4:5" ]
[ sort="y|n" ]
[ popup="Colon-separated list of fields to display on click. Example: 6:7" ]
[ stickypopup="y|n" ]
[ showtitle="y|n" ]
[ showlinks="y|n" ]
[ showdesc="y|n" ]
[ shownbitems="y|n" ]
[ showinitials="y|n" ]
[ showstatus="y|n" ]
[ showcreated="y|n" ]
[ showlastmodif="y|n" ]
[ showfieldname="y|n" ]
[ status="o|p|c|op|oc|pc|opc Which item status to list. o = open, p = pending, c = closed." ]
[ sort_mode="?" ]
[ max="?" ]
[ filterfield="Colon separated list of fields to allow filtering on." ]
[ filtervalue="?" ]
[ exactvalue="?" ]
[ checkbox="?" ]
[ goIfOne="?" ]
[ more="y|n" ]
[ moreurl="?" ]
[ view="user|page Select automatically the item of the current user or the page" ]
[ tpl="?" ]
[ wiki="?" ]
[ view_user="?" ]
[ itemId="List of items Ids" ]
[ url="link url" ]
[ ldelim="?" ]
[ rdelim="?" ]
[ list_mode="y|n If y, value will be truncated" ]
[ export="y|n" ]
[ compute="Sum or average all the values of a field and displays it at the bottom of the table. fieldId/sum:fieldId/avg" ]
[ action="Label on the submit button" ]
[ displayList="y|n" ]
[ line="y|n - displays all the filter on the same line" ]
Tracker Item Field
Displays the value of a tracker item field or the wiki text if the value of the field is set or has a value(if itemId not specified, use the itemId of the url or the user tracker).
[ trackerId="Numeric value." ]
[ itemId="Numeric value." ]
[ fieldId="Numeric value." ]
[ fields="Colon separated list of field IDs." ]
[ status="o|p|c|op|oc|pc|opc" ]
[ test="0|1" ]
value="Value to compare against."
Wiki text containing an {ELSE} marker.
Tracker List
Displays the output of a tracker content, fields are indicated with numeric ids.
trackerId="Tracker ID"
[ fields="Colon-separated list of field IDs to be displayed. Example: 2:4:5" ]
[ sort="y|n" ]
[ popup="Colon-separated list of fields to display on click. Example: 6:7" ]
[ stickypopup="y|n" ]
[ showtitle="y|n" ]
[ showlinks="y|n" ]
[ showdesc="y|n" ]
[ shownbitems="y|n" ]
[ showinitials="y|n" ]
[ showstatus="y|n" ]
[ showcreated="y|n" ]
[ showlastmodif="y|n" ]
[ showfieldname="y|n" ]
[ status="o|p|c|op|oc|pc|opc Which item status to list. o = open, p = pending, c = closed." ]
[ sort_mode="?" ]
[ max="?" ]
[ filterfield="Colon separated list of fields to allow filtering on." ]
[ filtervalue="?" ]
[ exactvalue="?" ]
[ checkbox="?" ]
[ goIfOne="?" ]
[ more="y|n" ]
[ moreurl="?" ]
[ view="user|page Select automatically the item of the current user or the page" ]
[ tpl="?" ]
[ wiki="?" ]
[ view_user="?" ]
[ itemId="List of items Ids" ]
[ url="link url" ]
[ ldelim="?" ]
[ rdelim="?" ]
[ list_mode="y|n If y, value will be truncated" ]
[ export="y|n" ]
[ compute="Sum or average all the values of a field and displays it at the bottom of the table. fieldId/sum:fieldId/avg" ]
Tracker Prefill
Displays a button to link to a page with a tracker plugin with prefilled tracker fields.
page="Tracker page name"
[ label="Button label." ]
field1="Field ID"
value1="Content of the field."
[ field2="Field ID" ]
[ value2="Content of the field." ]
[ field3="Field ID" ]
[ value3="Content of the field." ]
[ field4="Field ID" ]
[ value4="Content of the field." ]
[ field5="Field ID" ]
[ value5="Content of the field." ]
Tracker Stats
Displays some stat of a tracker content, fields are indicated with numeric ids.
trackerId="Tracker ID"
fields="Colon-separated list of field IDs to be displayed. Example: 2:4:5"
[ show_percent="y|n" ]
[ show_bar="y|n" ]
[ status="o|p|c|op|oc|pc|opc Which item status to list. o = open, p = pending, c = closed." ]
[ show_link="y|n" ]
Tracker Timeline
Timeline view of a tracker, can be used to display event schedules or gantt charts.
tracker="Numeric value"
title="Tracker Field ID containing the item title."
summary="Tracker Field ID containing the summary of the item. The summary will be displayed on the timeline when the item is focused."
start="Tracker Field ID containing the element start date. The field must be a datetime/jscalendar field."
end="Tracker Field ID containing the element end date. The field must be a datetime/jscalendar field."
group="Tracker Field ID containing the element's group. Elements of a same group are displayed on the same row."
lower="Date from which element should be displayed. Date must be provided in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format."
upper="Date until which element should be displayed. Date must be provided in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format."
[ scale1="hour, day, week, month or year (default to hour)" ]
[ scale2="hour, day, week, month, year or empty (default to empty)" ]
[ link_group="Convert the group name to a link. (y|n)" ]
[ link_page="Tracker Field ID containing the page name for item details." ]
Links to a translated content
lang="Two letter language code of the language, ex: fr"
[ flag="Country name, ex: France" ]
[url] or ((wikiname)) or ((inter:interwiki)) (use wiki syntax)
Displays some stat of a tracker content, fields are indicated with numeric ids.
trackerId="Tracker ID"
fields="Colon-separated list of field IDs to be displayed. Example: 2:4:5"
[ show_percent="y|n" ]
[ show_bar="y|n" ]
[ show_stat="y|n" ]
[ show_stat_only_after="y|n" ]
[ show_creator="y|n" ]
[ status="o|p|c|op|oc|pc|opc Which item status to list. o = open, p = pending, c = closed." ]
[ float="left|right" ]
Display youtube video in a wiki page
movie="URL to the Youtube video"
[ width="Width in pixels" ]
[ height="Height in pixels" ]
[ quality="quality" ]
Workspace for documentation here on ("Eat our own dogfood" phylosophy...)
Feel free to join us! Contact jreyes or me (xavi) to add you as user of the workspace, and ask whatever new perms. you need to contribute to documentation and using the workspaces!.