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testing aulawiki 1.7: first issues

xavi posts: 138 5 stars
Hi all:

I've upgraded from 2.4 to tiki3beta4, and installed aulawiki 1.7.
Since I was not sure about the safety of installing 1.7.0 through mods (admin mods seems broken in tiki3), I've just copied all the required files from 1.7.0 to their respective locations.

My first issue is:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::fetchRow() in /home/httpd/tiki30svn/lib/workspaces/typeslib.php on line 70

while attempting to visit an url like: ws100, which corresponds to a workspace desktop

Anyb ody succeeded using this?

rlopez posts: 32 3 stars
Xavi, I haven't tried 1.7 yet. I guess Pingus did it.

> Hi all:
> I've upgraded from 2.4 to tiki3beta4, and installed aulawiki 1.7.
> Since I was not sure about the safety of installing 1.7.0 through mods (admin mods seems broken in tiki3), I've just copied all the required files from 1.7.0 to their respective locations.
> My first issue is:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::fetchRow() in /home/httpd/tiki30svn/lib/workspaces/typeslib.php on line 70
> while attempting to visit an url like: ws100, which corresponds to a workspace desktop
> Anyb ody succeeded using this?

posts: 25 3 stars
Never tried with 3.0. I suppose you did the SQL install too.
It can be related to differences in PEAR between php 4 or 5. I've seen the distributed PEAR.php and DB.php have minor differences between 2.3 and 3.0.
I'd try to copy in the previous lib/pear directory (maybe rename the latest one, to quickly put it back in case), and see what happens.

> Hi all:
> I've upgraded from 2.4 to tiki3beta4, and installed aulawiki 1.7.
> Since I was not sure about the safety of installing 1.7.0 through mods (admin mods seems broken in tiki3), I've just copied all the required files from 1.7.0 to their respective locations.
> My first issue is:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::fetchRow() in /home/httpd/tiki30svn/lib/workspaces/typeslib.php on line 70
> while attempting to visit an url like: ws100, which corresponds to a workspace desktop
> Anyb ody succeeded using this?

xavidp posts: 10 3 stars
> Never tried with 3.0. I suppose you did the SQL install too.
Yes, I did.

> It can be related to differences in PEAR between php 4 or 5. I've seen the distributed PEAR.php and DB.php have minor differences between 2.3 and 3.0.

> I'd try to copy in the previous lib/pear directory (maybe rename the latest one, to quickly put it back in case), and see what happens.

OK, thanks, pingus.

> .
> > Hi all:
> >
> > I've upgraded from 2.4 to tiki3beta4, and installed aulawiki 1.7.
> > Since I was not sure about the safety of installing 1.7.0 through mods (admin mods seems broken in tiki3), I've just copied all the required files from 1.7.0 to their respective locations.
> >
> > My first issue is:
> >
> > Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::fetchRow() in /home/httpd/tiki30svn/lib/workspaces/typeslib.php on line 70
> >
> > while attempting to visit an url like: ws100, which corresponds to a workspace desktop
> >
> > Anyb ody succeeded using this?
> >

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